Rheebok Close Wellington Industrial Park
Mon - Thurs: 8am-5pm | Friday: 8am-3pm
+27 21 873 6499

Absorbers & Scrubbers

Logichem Process International > Absorbers & Scrubbers

Absorbers & Scrubbers

A range of absorbers and scrubbers can be supplied in a variety of materials of construction, including plastics (PVC, PP, HDFE, FRP).

Logichem has particular expertise in the design of balanced fume extraction ducting, enabling a single scrubbing facility to serve a factory with multiple fume release points.

Absorbers and Scrubbers
Absorbers Twin Scrubber
Absorbers and Scrubbers
Absorbers and Scrubbers

Logichem's quality management system is based on ISO9001:2015 principles.